I am running two flickr photo submission contests for December.
You can find the Solange! Fashions Fan Art stream
(Only the person submitting the photo wins the prize but if they choose to share it with any other models in the picture or with the photographer they can do that. But only 1 prize per photo.)
CONTEST 1: Solange! Fashions Calendar Girls 2009
- Photo submissions accepted 12/1/08 thru 12/25/08
- Models in the photo MUST be wearing a Solange! Fashions clothing design
- All photos must be taken at locations in Second Life (no photo studio backgrounds or external imaging backgrounds will be accepted)
- Please submit High Resolution photos whenever possible (See Torley's link on how to save your photos in high resolution:
Link to Torley's great tutorial on pic taking.The high resolution stuff is about half way down the page.
- Photo submissions should be at least 1024 x 1024 (a 3:2 Ratio is preferred or 1536 x 1024. Using Torley's high resolution snapshot tutorial will explain how to save your photos to file without having to take a huge pic in game)
- After photo processing is accepted and encouraged. Show off your talents!
- When submitting the photo to the Solange! Fashions Fan Art flickr stream you MUST label it with the following:
Solange! Calendar Girl 2009 Submission
Full Avatar Name of Model and Photographer
Solange! Outfit used in Photo
Calendar Month this photo submission is for: (If it is not for any particular month that is fine, just leave blank)
Location of Picture shoot: (optional)
- 12 winners will be selected for the 2009 Calendar
- Each winner will receive Fame and Fortune and become a Celebrity overnight! ...but just in case that doesn't happen I'll also be giving each winner a 2000L Gift Certificate for Solange! Fashions.
PLUS! You will be featured in the 2009 Solange! Fashions Calendar to be distributed in the store as one of the Solange! Fashions Calendar Girls for 2009.
CONTEST 2: Solange! Fashions Peace on Earth Celebration Photos
-Photo submissions accepted 12/1/08 thru 12/31/08-
- Models in the photo MUST be wearing a Solange! Fashions clothing design
- Theme: Peace on Earth (I'm leaving this open to your interpretation)
- All photos must be taken at locations in Second Life (no photo studio backgrounds or external imaging backgrounds will be accepted)
- After photo processing is accepted and encouraged. Show off your talents!
- Any size photo is acceptable but please try to have it NO SMALLER than 512 x 512
- When submitting the photo to the Solange! Fashions Fan Art flickr stream you MUST label it with the following:
Solange! Peace on Earth Submission
Full Avatar Name of Model and Photographer
Solange! Outfit used in Photo
Location of Picture shoot: (optional)
- 1 winner and 1 runner up will be selected for this contest
- Prizes:
Winner: 2500L Gift Certificate for Solange! Fashions
Runner-Up: 1000L Gift Certificate for Solange! Fashions
Have fun!