Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gift #6 is hidden in the store!

On the 6th Day of Christmas...
Here's hoping Santa will see...
That being naughty is so nice...
He'll put extra presents under the tree!

Happy Hunting!


Anonymous said...

Im really happy with all the presents you have hidden for us, what a great hunt and what a wonderful gesture, sooo sweet.....thank you very much Solange! Fashions! :)) Regards, IndianPearl March xxx

Solange Cerveau said...

I'm so glad you're enjoying the gift! You're very welcome :))

Alysa said...

Thanks Solange! It was fun searching for them and some where most cleverly placed i must say! Good luck with your store and have a great chistmass.


Solange Cerveau said...

Thank you Alysa!