Thursday, February 25, 2016

Solange! - New Tops PLUS an update!


- Torrid and Sophia Tops now available in White
- Torrid and Sophia Tops now includes Slink Hourglass FitMesh
- Torrid and Sophia Tops Maitreya FitMesh out of beta, Updated to Official

Solange Torrid and Sophia Top Update Notes:

-Updated Maitreya Lara fitted mesh to Official (no more beta!)  This should hopefully fix any clipping customers were  experiencing with the beta version.

-Added a fitted mesh version for Slink Hourglass.

-Added HUD for color change in the threepacks and demo to reduce need for multiple copies of the same top.

-In addition to resize, HUD now has added options for hide, transparency, glow, brightness and shine.

If you purchased these tops, either in the store or on SL Marketplace, you should receive an updated version automatically.  If you do not receive your update please visit the redelivery terminal at the main Solange! store.

Available on SL Marketplace or at Solange! Main Store.

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