Thursday, October 16, 2014

A very Carnal Halloween

Special Halloween Edition!

This outfit can be worn by the Classic SL Avatar as well as Slink PHYSIQUE, TheMeshProject, WowMeh, Lolas and Phat/CuteAzz.

You can purchase it at the main Solange! Fashions store in Second Life or on SL Marketplace by clicking here.

A cabaret style lingerie.

Corset Top and Bottom *
- Exposed Top w/ Thong
- Exposed Top / No Thong
- Covered Top w/ Thong
- Covered Top / No Thong
Prim Floral Hair Ornament
Black Long Gloves
Prim Glove Cuffs
- Silk Lining Only
- With Rose
- With Rose and Bow
Gathered Pannier Skirt
(Flex and Sculpt Prims)

*Outfit includes all clothing layer options.

**Includes clothing Appliers for the following:
Lolas (Tango,Mirage,Delicq)
Slink PHYSIQUE Mesh Body
TheMeshProject Mesh Body
WowMeh Mesh Body

**Lolas, PhatAzz, Slink Physique, WowMeh and TheMeshProject mesh bodies and mesh body parts are NOT included. This outfit includes clothing and clothing prim/sculpt/mesh attachments ONLY.
PERMISSIONS: Copy, Resize Script with Delete, No Modify, No Transfer

Friday, October 10, 2014

Solange! Balance Lingerie in Blue and White

NEW from Solange!

This outfit can be worn by the Classic SL Avatar as well as Slink PHYSIQUE, TheMeshProject, WowMeh, Lolas and PhatAzz.

This outfit includes the following:

Bra Top on all layers
Panty on all layers
Full Chest Fringe with Corsage
Chest Corsage ONLY option
Panty Corsage

**Includes clothing Appliers for the following:
Lolas (Tango,Mirage,Delicq)
Slink PHYSIQUE Mesh Body
TheMeshProject Mesh Body
WowMeh Mesh Body

**Lolas, PhatAzz, Slink Physique, WowMeh and TheMeshProject mesh bodies and mesh body parts are NOT included. This outfit includes clothing and clothing prim/sculpt/mesh attachments ONLY.

You can REDELIVER and UPDATE this outfit by visiting the main Solange! Fashions store in Second Life and using the Redelivery Terminal.

You can purchase it on SL Marketplace by clicking this LINK.

(All previously released color variations have been updated, to include appliers also PLUS the Rose/Teal version has had the rose color changed.  Please use redelivery terminal at main store to get your FREE update.  If you have the VIP Group Gift version from 2012, please contact Solange Cerveau directly.  You must be in the Solange! VIP group to qualify.)
