The One Voice event in support of Gala Phoenix, the artist behind the Curio brand, has been extended to July 22, 2012. The outcome of this entire situation is very important to me as an artist who runs a business in Second Life and I have contributed what I can in support of Ms. Phoenix and this event. I'm not going to get into the discussion of the events, there are plenty of blogs and forums hundreds of comments long about this already. I'm simply going to show you what I'm offering for sale for the One Voice event, if you haven't seen them already, and letting you know that I am giving 50% of each purchase directly to Ms. Phoenix via the split script. For those of you that choose to lend your support, either monetarily, or by passing the word around, you have my heartfelt thanks (and that of Gala Phoenix as well!).
You can purchase my donation items at the One Voice Event at the Mesh sim.
Or at the Solange! Fashions mainstore location at Dream on Bay.
Here are my items:
Nightfall Dress: This is an unreleased shade that is only available for the One Voice Event: 250L$
Casual Brocade Top 6-Pack: This will continue to be available for purchase once the event is concluded: 100L$
Carnal Lingerie Special Edition: Made specifically for this event, it will continue to be available for purchase once the event is over: 450L$